Higher Learning


In My Fathers House CSSN Food Pantry -Monday & Saturday 11:00am til 1:00pm Thursday 10-2pm Call for an Appointment Mobile Unit Location Ascension Youth Center and Bookstore 3-6pm Monday-Friday (while school is in session)

Jesus Said,



Higher Learning Plus Education Program of In My Fathers House Community Support Services Network Inc.

In My Fathers House Community Support Services Network Inc. is committed to encouraging the growth of our children through a balanced program of math, reading, science, and fellowship. Keep an eye on our events page to see upcoming events for the education program of In My Fathers House Community Support Services Network Inc.

Higher Learning Plus is a non-profit organization, with limited community and private funding; which offer educational services to the entire community. We provide services such as; basic reading and math skills practice, after-school homework assistance, SAT/ACT Prep and more. We are staffed by certified teachers, business professionals, religious leaders, and a host of volunteers within our community.
Our mission is to provide extended educational instruction to all ages, with emphasis on school age children which are lagging behind and would in no wise be able to receive affordable tutorial assistance; as well as providing on-going educational progress monitoring services to identifiable “At-Risk” individuals.
1. To provide motivation to develop overall reading skills
2. Improve independent grammar and reading skills by using various interventions and strategies
3. To provide age and grade appropriate materials to build self confidence, fluency, and vocabulary
4. Improve independent math skills by using manipulative tools, technology, teacher to student modeling and vice versa
5. Encourage self appreciation and appropriate social skills

Higher Learning After School Program

In My Fathers House CSSN is proud to announce our newest partnership with South Newton Elementary School. The children gets a chance to explore even the more with education, food and fun after school.

Location: The Ascension Center Youth Center & Bookstore

Hours of Operation: Monday -Friday 3:30pm-6:00pm

Learn More

Christmas Party At The Ranch

Walk With Me 

During the Christmas Celebration at, the ranch the children told Santa what they wanted for Christmas!

It was all smiles while riding the horses at Walk With Me Healing Steps!

Families Enjoying The Ranch

The children and their families enjoyed the Christmas Party!